Insanity…or the New Normal? The 90-day CrossFit/Paleo Personal Challenge

 Yes, it’s me, the Greek Yogurt Enthusiast. I’m back to chat about my next challenge….a 90-day CrossFit/Paleo challenge. On the surface, it is seemingly much more daunting than my first (eliminating dairy from my diet). It is said that it takes 30 days to make something a habit. In 60 days you can totally transform your body (lose body fat, increase lean muscle, etc). So, what can or will happen in 90 days? I guess I will have to wait and see. I expect the road to be bumpy and curvy and littered with obstacles. I will be posting about my ups and downs, my triumphs and set-backs. Please come along with me on this ride. I guarantee that it will be an adventure. As I face this challenge, I am excited, terrified, anxious, intimidated, etc. These feelings come on both a physical and mental level. Physically, I know I am capable of this. I am not “unfit” in layman’s terms. However, my brief stint with CrossFit to date as proven to me that I am “unfit” in CrossFit terms. I can go to a typical gym and do a standard workout. I can also go out and do a 4-5 mile run without an issue. So, I know my body can handle the physical aspects: i.e., muscle soreness, muscle fatigue, etc. I also know how to listen to my body and do what it tells me to do, as well as how to deal with recurring bodily aggravations I have from years of exercising and running. The day before I begin the challenge I will have just turned 41. But I am not using age as an excuse. Part of the reason I am doing this challenge is to show that regardless of where you are physically (age, health, fitness level), everybody can benefit. The biggest challenge I will face on this 90-day journey will be mental. CrossFit has created a mental challenge for me. I am more than motivated to exercise in the typical manner, i.e., at a mainstream gym or for a casual cardio workout. What I am facing mentally is new to me. I am constantly trying to unlock this mental block. I don’t think I am alone in this feeling when it comes to CrossFit. Bottom line, I am intimidated by the WODs, the skills, the lifting….my ability to do these tasks and what others are thinking (but not saying). Ok, I know the other CrossFitters are not saying or thinking anything about me. What I have experienced and one of the key aspects I love about CrossFit is the sense of community and support everybody offers each other regardless of skill, strength, and experience. Nonetheless, we all have stories that we play out in our head and my “story” affects my self-esteem and causes me to go into a mild state of depression (yes, I know, regular exercise can prevent this). So, by putting this challenge out into the universe, I am making myself accountable to the readers, followers, friends, family, and myself. The CrossFit challenge is only part of my journey. The second aspect is to consistently eat a Paleo diet and document how my body reacts/changes in combination with the workouts. I’m fortunate enough to have a great network of Paleo wise people around me to help guide me in my meal preparation. As you may know, I have eliminated dairy from my diet, but have not yet eliminated grains. I feel this will be my biggest obstacle on the Paleo side. I love bread and it is the last remaining grain that still exists in my everyday diet. I couldn’t tell you the last time I ate rice or pasta. I do expect some hiccups along the way, but I am ready to confront them head-on. Based on this I have set some parameters and some baseline stats.

Baseline Information / Goals:

  • Begin and End Date: April 17 / July 17
  • Age: 41
  • Height: 6’1”
  • Current Weight: 172 lbs. / Goal Weight: 180 lbs.
  • Current Body Fat Percent: 14.3% / Goal Body Fat Percent: 8.0%
  • Current Body Mass Index: 22.7 / Goal Body Mass Index: 25.0

CrossFit/Exercise Parameters:

  • WODs/Workouts 3-4 times per week
  • Short distance and/or sprint work cardio training two times per week
  • One day of total rest and recovery

Paleo Diet Parameters:

  • Eat the best quality of food I have at my disposal.
  • Find ways to satisfy my sweet tooth within the confines of Paleo.

So, with that I leave you with this thought from an unknown author: “If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you”.

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