Some Time With Family

I just flew back from a short trip home to Atlanta. I've lived all over growing up but my folks and youngest brother live in the ATL, along with Sarah's sister and brother in law. I lived there for seven years, went to culinary school there, and got my chops at restaurants there, so for all intents and purposes we call ATL home.

This weekend was a special one with the family. Our aforementioned brother and sister in law were celebrating our nephews 1st birthday. For the occasion Sarah's parents came down from Richmond for the party. My other brother Tim, whom many of you know since he lives down the street in SD, was also celebrating his 27th birthday and flew in to Atlanta for the weekend. It was so great being around everybody.

Micah, our nephew, is just so damned adorable. Such a good little guy who is pretty lucky to have two very loving parents. Tim is the big two-seven, which you all have, or will realize, is the first time in your life it takes four syllables to say your age. I'm very grateful to have him as my little brother; he has become one of my best friends and despite the ass whippings he hands me at the gym I'm glad he's with us in San Diego.

The time with my folks and youngest brother was too short. My mom and dad look so good - they have lost a ton of weight since switching to paleo. They got to try my bacon for the first time. I've been told that I WILL be shipping it out weekly to Georgia for their breakfast from now on! Johnny, my youngest brother, has earned it I think, making me so damned proud by running his restaurant at a solid clip and consistent profit.

Seeing the look of pride on my parents faces when they tasted the bacon and when they saw how much weight I've lost was my favorite part of the weekend. Both my parents sacrificed quite a bit to give my brothers and I the childhood we had - including funding us a bit too far past childhood. My dad worked beyond hard his whole life so that we could have the opportunities all three of us are taking advantage of now. I gave him a hard time for making a living in fast food, but without the arches, there would be no Pete's Paleo. He worked harder and smarter than everyone he worked with. Often times surviving rounds of layoffs that left only him standing, allowing himself about a half breathe's respite before mentally preparing to tell his wife and three boys we'd be moving again since that's where his job was going. Nobody has had more to do with the man I am today than him. In my wildest dreams, I'll be half as hard working, have half his perseverance, and be half the father he is when the time comes.

Sarah's parents are equally supportive and proud. I really lucked out there. What are the odds of getting a father in law who gets my jokes about federalists? And Joan, my mother in law, makes these epic cookies with the perfect crumb texture. Or so I'm told. We're really busy, no different than all of you I suppose. And weekends like this are few and far between, and when they come they are all too short. Here's to making the most out of the time we have together. 

We have a fabulous menu planned this week for all you paleo lovers out there! Don’t forget to get your orders in by midnight tonight!

  • Spaghetti squash with a spicy Korean braised pork with a purple cabbage and carrot slaw

  • Roasted Chicken with roasted beets, and rutabaga puree

  • Curry turkey breast, with sautéed carrots and roasted Suzies spring squash

  • Ginger roasted duck breast with garlic greens from Suzie’s and turnip mashup

  • Spaghetti Squash Mexicana with toasted pumpkin seed with a grilled avocado salsa and braised pork butt.

  • Abodabo Open Spaces brisket, kim chi smashed sweet potatoes and bok choy

  • Mango, ginger, lime pork burgers with sauteed spinach and roasted yams

  • Pan roasted flat iron steak, with curried rutabaga and kale greens

  • Berebere chicken thighs with cast iron roasted brussel sprouts, and cauliflower

  • Roasted duck tenders, asparagus and beets
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