Update on Curt's "The 90-Day CrossFit/Paleo Challenge"

Update on Curt's "The 90-Day CrossFit/Paleo Challenge" So, it has been two weeks since I began my challenge…and as expected it has not been without its “challenges”. Oddly, more of my mental obstacles have been on the paleo side of this adventure. Going paleo “cold turkey” was more difficult for me than I initially thought. Facing those post-meal sweetness cravings or desire for my morning toast is daunting. I can’t say that I don’t still have these cravings, and I’m hoping they subside and/or disappear entirely in the next couple of weeks. I never realized what a “sweet tooth” and bread man I was until I was faced with not being able to appease either craving. I thought about allowing a “cheat day” or doing a tapering off of these items in the beginning, but in discussions with others I was convinced that this would only serve to feed those cravings and I was basically using the idea as a crutch. So, “cold turkey” it was, and by eating clean my body has “cleansed” itself and I am feeling good. I do notice that I get hungry more often since my body is using the fuel efficiently and not just storing it. Therefore, I have had to become a better planner for my food intake and make sure I have paleo-friendly snacks accessible. For example, I make sure I prepare enough vegetables and proteins the night before to add to my eggs in the morning. My Crossfit training has been going well. First, I am even surprising myself with my skill and small strength improvements. What I have learned over the first two weeks is that sometimes what you think your strengths are may not be your strengths. In my case this would be running. I have run several 5ks and 10ks as well as a marathon in my life. I know how to run, but I find the runs with Crossfit to be a challenge for me. I am personally analyzing this and asking why? Initially, I think it is the intensity with which it is done and how it is integrated into the WOD…this is no casual run I am on. Secondly, I have learned that I need to be flexible with my schedule. I set a schedule to follow in the beginning. Let’s just say life happens and you have to flow with it. I still get my workouts in, but sometimes they are different days than I planned. The key is to just get them in!!!! Third, I have been surprised about how well I have been able to protect against and prohibit re-injury of my shoulder. I believe it has actually improved through the multiple shoulder opening exercises I do warming up and then with the strength moves during the WOD. I’ll reflect more on this as I progress, but this is one of the most surprising and happy events so far in the two weeks. Finally, I would like to address the mental games and mental blocks I mentioned in the inaugural post. In order to help overcome these, I stated my challenge and made it known to several people (friends, family, Pete’s Paleo followers, coaches and members at my box, etc.). It is amazing what a difference putting your intentions out in the world can do. It has forced me to live with intention and personal integrity. I know that I must walk-the-walk and talk-the-talk. Don’t get me wrong, I still face personal doubts and intimidation when I walk in to the box. However, I have come to realize that the WOD’s will always be intimidating. The key is to learn how to deal with the intimidation…and I am slowly. So, that is the update. Below is my baseline information and updated stats:

Baseline Information – April 17

  • Begin and End Date: April 17 / End Date: July 17
  • Age: 41
  • Height: 6’1”
  • Current Weight: 172 lbs. / Goal Weight: 180 lbs.
  • Current Body Fat Percent: 14.3% / Goal Body Fat Percent: 8.0%
  • Current Body Mass Index: 22.7 / Goal Body Mass Index: 25.0

Current Information – May 1:

  • Current Weight: 172 lbs.
  • Current Body Fat Percent: 13.3%
  • Current Body Mass Index: 22.7
So, as you can see, there is relatively no change except a small reduction in body fat percent. I am not disappointed in this as it is early in the challenge and I am still building stability and strength. What I do know is that I feel better than I did when I started, and I can see how even 1% of body fat loss looks on the human body. I look forward to charting these changes over the 90 days and watching my body transform. I’ll leave you with this quote from Rikki Rogers, which rings true to me as I undergo this challenge: “Strength doesn’t come from what you CAN do. It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you COULDN’T.
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