Pete's Paleo....A dang good deal!

So that we don't get too far away from what we do here at Pete's Paleo, I thought I'd actually spend today talking about Pete's Paleo Ready-To-Eat Meal delivery and how awesome of a deal it is.You see, there are so many components that go into eating a truly balanced, healthy Paleo diet. First and foremost is variety and quality. Eating a bag of almonds a day with factory chicken and broccoli for dinner is technically eating Paleo. But it certainly isn't healthy. Eating quality meats and vegetables from properly husbanded ranches and organic local farms, can be a time consuming and expensive process, at Pete's Paleo we do all the work for you. Sourcing from the best ranches in the west and getting all of our veg from local farms. Each week we cook at least six to seven different proteins and more than a dozen, if not many more, types of vegetables.Next is the sheer amount of time you save when you order Pete's Paleo. Yesterday Sarah and I went to check out a unique meat purveyor here in San Diego. Then we went to Whole Foods to get some veg and the next thing you know we had spent 1.5 hours on a Sunday shopping. Then I spent another hour cooking at home. 2.5 hours and over $150 bucks at the two stores for two meals.  Holy crap. We bring you 10 meals and 5 snacks, cooked and ready to eat in 5 minutes. As a wise man once told me, you can always make more money, but you can't make more time. We let you follow a strict Paleo diet, no sugars, no grains, no dairy, no legumes, while eating a variety of the best damn ingredients we can source. All this for about $12 a meal dropped off to your gym. Or for a little more we'll bring it to your front door. Let us help you accomplish your nutrition, health and fitness goals. Skip the third latte and the trip to Chipotle and treat yourself to some amazing Pete's Paleo meals. Click here to buy food now! Here's this weeks menu:

  1. Jicama, and plum salad with roast chicken and suzie’s squash
  2. Greek lamb with roasted tomatoes and braised fennel
  3. Roasted chicken thighs, toasted pecans, roasted Brussels and sweet potato
  4. Bison meatloaf, patty pan squash, baby carrots
  5. Roasted duck breast, acorn squash and asparagus
  6. Open Spaces grass fed flat iron roasted beets and spinach
  7. Duck tenderloin roasted suzie’s squash with beets
  8. Roast paprika chicken with spaghetti squash and greens
  9. Pulled pork, roasted yams, and smoked leek
  10. Smoked pork, spicy grilled avocado with sweet potato, sautéed kale

Snacks: Paleo Granola Beef Jerky Paleo Treats Sarah’s Brownies

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