Curt's Challenge Update - 60+ Days In!


UPDATE #3: Insanity…Or The New Normal! The 90-Day CrossFit/Paleo Challenge

Can you believe it? I can’t! I have completed over 60 days of my challenge! I am over two-thirds of the way through my 90-day Crossfit/Paleo challenge. However, this challenge has turned into more of a lifestyle change and personal journey than a challenge.

During my last update, I discussed learning how to eat again, i.e., what and when to eat in order to stay fueled for the WODs. I’m happy to report that I have had success in figuring this out and have the energy to propel myself through the WOD. However, now the challenge has moved to eating the extra 500-1000 daily calories I need to gain the weight and strength to achieve my 180lb. goal weight. Since Paleo is about eating clean and not counting calories, this has presented me with my next dieting challenge. I feel as if I am eating constantly while maintaining my same bodyweight. Based on this, I have eliminated my twice-weekly casual runs and have substituted them for non-WOD heavier lifting days. Stay tuned for how I successfully overcame this challenge in my next update.

While my friends are very supportive of my challenge, I still run into the occasional “eye-roller” friend of a friend. While I find this frustrating, I chalk it up to being uninformed about the benefits of Paleo and the assumption that Paleo is a “fad” diet. My response to this “eye-roll” is basically to state how awesome I feel and look, and the fact that I don’t suffer from allergy symptoms and skin rashes that had plagued me my entire life. Then I challenge them to try Paleo just for a couple weeks and to prove me wrong!

My Crossfit training is really starting to transform my body, and I am becoming more confident with my abilities. For me this means that I am getting stronger and improving and adding new skills. After just 60+ days of consistent training, I have added handstand push-ups to my repertoire. It may only be stringing two or three together in a row, but sometimes it’s the small things in life that make us smile and provide encouragement.

I do face a new intimidation in my training. I had become comfortable with the more metabolic conditioning focused WODs and was enjoying them. However, the programming has switched to more strength building, i.e., heavier lifting. This has never been my forte and has always made me uncomfortable. So, it seems I am back to overcoming intimidation as you may recall from my first entry. Intimidation hasn’t stopped me. I have found it has only made me mentally stronger and more determined. I have learned to cope with intimidation in a positive manner. This has come from my promise to myself, and the promise I have made to others. It is my personal integrity that is at stake and I take that very seriously.

On a vanity note, I have noticed that more people are starting to notice my more defined and healthier look. But, more importantly than what others may think, is how I feel and how I perceive myself. At the age of 41, I am stronger, more defined, and nutritionally fit than I have been my entire life. I am also happier than I have been in many years. It is amazing how your life can transform when you take control and pursue your passion (and get out from behind the desk).

In closing, I would like to say how much I look forward to the camaraderie and seeing new and familiar faces at the box. This camaraderie builds community within the box, which then extends outside those four walls with every crossfitter. We all share our experiences in our own words and transformations and by doing so we build a bigger and healthier community. This, in my eyes, is the greatest reward of all. So, that is update #3. Below is my baseline information and updated stats:

Baseline Information – April 17:

  • Begin and End Date: April 17 / End Date: July 17
  • Age: 41
  • Height: 6’1”
  • Weight: 172 lbs. / Goal Weight: 180 lbs.
  • Body Fat Percent: 14.3% / Goal Body Fat Percent: 8.0%
  • Body Mass Index: 22.7 / Goal Body Mass Index: 25.0

Information – May 1:

  • Weight: 172 lbs.
  • Body Fat Percent: 13.3%
  • Body Mass Index: 22.7

Information – May 15

  • Weight: 170 lbs.
  • Body Fat Percent: 14.8%
  • Body Mass Index: 22.4

Current Information – June 19

  • Current Weight: 170 lbs.
  • Current Body Fat Percent: 15.9% (based on calipers and age)
  • Current Body Mass Index: 22.4

A few closing thoughts regarding the stats and attached pictures (0 vs. 30 vs. 60 days). As I have stated before, I don’t put a lot of emphasis on body weight and body fat. I did use calipers to measure my body fat this time. I was surprised to see that it was nearly 16%. The calculation factors in my age, and I can tell that by looking in the mirror and how my clothes fit that I am leaner. Similarly, the pictures don’t show my muscle definition and leanness. For those of you who know me you can attest to this. Hopefully, on the final update this will be more evident. Until next time, happy WODing and healthy eating. Parting quote: "Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will." - Mahatma Gandhi

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