We're 2!!!

It is with an incredible amount of gratitude that I write this. We’re officially toddlers. It’s our two year anniversary this month.  Sarah and I started this company with me working  full time on it and her working full time around her other full time job.

We started in our Ocean Beach cottage kitchen with one client. After a month, we had a small rental kitchen in the middle of nowhere in El Cajon, one little sealer machine, no air conditioning, and one kitchen helper to pitch in. The first week we delivered 11 bags. Brown paper ones of course, we’ve finally moved past those thankfully.

Fast forward to this past week when we opened up Pete’s Paleo HQ, coinciding with our 2 year anniversary! Our very own place, with our own equipment and there are a whole crew of people working with us now. There is an office upstairs that has the perfect space for a pac n play since our first kid, a baby girl, will be here come June.

In May we’ll be feeding the volunteers at the CrossFit SoCal Regionals, our cook book Paleo By Season will be published and we’ll be gearing up for a launch of a new food line following the Wahls Protocol. A huge step forward in helping people with their holistic healing needs.

All this wouldn’t be possible without you of course. You took the chance and gave us a try. Meals made for you, delivered in bags? But how does it come? What are the portions? What is the cost? Well you took the time to get those questions answered, liked what you heard, and gave us a try. You have continued to do so every week since, thank you, so, so much.

It’s impossible to thank my wife enough, but thanks babe. Shout out to John Y our first customer and great dude, Julie Darling for being Julie, and for the County of San Diego for giving us that big beautiful “A” to hang in the window at Pete’s Paleo HQ.

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