It's Summer Time!

Summer is here which means two things at Pete's Paleo: 1. A whole new cadre of produce and cooking techniques are about to be unleashed on the Pete's Paleo Kitchen and 2. it's not to late to see some serious results for summer from switching to Paleo.

Here's the bottom line on the second part and then I'll leave it alone. I have never been in better shape in my life and not seen people get better more consistent results from any type of "diet" or "lifestyle" change compared to Paleo. If you're smart about your Paleo cookie consumption, no path will lead you to more nutrient dense, fat burning, yet fat filled food than Paleo.

The pics here are of me after working out and trying Paleo for a month, down about 10 pounds, about two years ago (before), and then where I'm at today and have been holding for about a year, down almost 50 pounds (after). It works, we do all the work for you, it's delicious, order here.

For our regular customers and folks trying us out for the first time this summer, here comes all the new summer produce. Melons, chiles, fresh greens, eight ball zucchini, cherries, strawberries, peaches, wild garlic, eggplant, it will all be featured throughout the summer. Along with lots more grilled and smoked meats. Mmmmm BBQ. We are also looking to add a wild fish purveyor that will be able to offer us some sustainable, properly sourced seafood in the next coming months. Get your orders in today to be tasting this stuff Thursday!

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