Pete's Paleo Launches an AIP Friendly Line of Meals for Dr Wahls

I am so excited to finally be able to share something we have been working on for quite some time: We are launching WAHLS PALEO™  friendly meals from Pete's Paleo!!! They are also AIP friendly.

We worked closely with Dr Wahls and her associates, developing a menu that not only follows the WAHLS PROTOCOL™ program to a tee but also follows the Pete's Paleo principles of seasonal, local and delicious food.

The menus are broken out using the protocol guidelines. The sections include Meat/Fish, Colors, Leafy Greens and Sulfur Vegetables. With sample menu items including, Grass Fed Braised Brisket, Summer Berry Salad, Baby Bok Choy, and Radish and Kohlrabi Salad respectively.

The Wahls Paleo meals come frozen for a longer shelf life and every meal can be made by simply grabbing one portion from each category out of the freezer and warming it up from thaw to plate in about 15-20 minutes. About 5 minutes if you have thawed it ahead of time. How cool is that?

We make no crazy health claims because of common sense and other obvious reasons, but it's no secret the power we believe clean eating can have. Well this is clean eating taken to the next level. Clean eating with a purpose.

Pete's Paleo is here to help you make those things a reality for you as we know it can be a huge task to take on this level of food prep. Check out our page devoted to all the FAQ and details here.....

In Good Health, Pete

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