The Secret Ingredient To These Cast Iron Paleo Pancakes Isn't What You Think...

Ok so first and foremost I took the inspiration for this recipe from Diane author of Practical Paleo. She wrote the intro to our book, wrote hands down the best starter guide to Paleo in “Practical Paleo”,  and had a pretty damn good idea with her sweet potato pancakes. However, I was looking to add a more savory flavor and depth to it. So our secret ingredient to these paleo pancakes is shallots (onion's pretty little sister you wish you met first).


My sister in law made them for us using Diane’s recipe last year during Thanksgiving and they were incredible. This weekend I wanted to make them and per usual I don’t measure or look at stuff and just kind of winged it. They came out pretty bomb. Feel free to do your own experimenting. It’s how you learn and get better as a chef. Also I made a tasty watermelon salad that was just fresh end ofsummer melon, balsamic reduction, chopped basil, black pepper, salt and some chopped “Dang” coconut chips.

Here’s the paleo pancake recipe, this served 2 :

2 cups small diced sweet potatoes ( 1 good sized sweet potato did the trick)

¼ cup minced shallot ( 1 large shallot)

3 T coconut Oil

4 ripe bananas

5 eggs

1 T maple syrup

¼ t cinnamon

1 t baking soda

pinches of salt as called for

Avocado oil and a well seasoned cast iron or a non stick if it makes your knees weak thinking of cooking these on a cast iron.

Heat coconut oil in a medium sauce pot over medium high heat and add shallots and sweet potatoes. Add a couple pinches of salt, and stir occasionally. By cooking the potato and shallot in a pot instead of sauté pan, it lets the vegetables cook in their own liquid so you don’t have to add any extra. When potato is cooked through, 12-15 minutes, take off heat.

Transfer to narrow bowl for mixing, let stand ten minutes then add chopped bananas, maple syrup, cinnamon, baking soda and puree with hand blender. You can use a food processor if you don’t have a stick blender.  Crack eggs into puree and a couple pinches of salt, puree on low and then turn your cast iron onto medium.

After heating cast iron for 6-8 minutes add a tablespoon of avocado oil and cook the cakes into three-four inch diameter. Like most pancakes when the edges are firm and there are bubbles throughout it’s time to flip. Then cook for half the amount of time on the other side, roughly two minutes. Stack them in a pile as you go. They’ll all stay hot and they are good. Real good.

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