New Potato and Green Bean Hash w/ Poached Eggs for Breakfast

Peter and I love going to brunch. It's one of our favorite weekend rituals. But this past weekend, we didn't feel like shlepping Lois to a restaurant, and let's face it, whatever my husband cooks us is going to be better and healthier than what we would eat out.

We're starting an Instagram hashtag and blog recipe posts for the meals we cook at home - #petesplates

Here's Peter's recipe for our brunch last weekend, and check back in on Wednesday for how to use leftovers for a different meal!

New Potato and Green Bean Hash w/ Poached Eggs for Breakfast


Read this through a few times before cooking. It can all be done start to finish in 30 minutes if you follow the steps. 

Serves 2

2 cups new potatoes ( I use a blend of new, red and blue potatoes)

1 # Bacon (sugar free) cut into lardons

1 cup green beans, stemmed

½ cup yellow onion small diced

1 cup chopped tomatoes

1 T minced fresh garlic (about 3 cloves)

1 cup chicken broth

4 farm eggs

1 t baking soda

water for poaching

Add bacon to large cast iron pan and turn on to medium high.  Fill a sauce pot about 2/3 of the way up with water and add the potatoes and a couple pinches of salt, place on the stove on high. Cook the potatoes till knife tender, then strain and run under cold water.

While potatoes and bacon are getting going, cut up your onion, clean and chop your beans, mince your garlic and then lastly put on your poaching water. Add the baking soda, make sure to get it to around 185F, not a boil. Just remember the song “tiny bubbles, ……in my poaching water” that’s how it goes.

Potatoes should be cooled off enough under the water to handle now. Quickly cut the potatoes in half then as the bacon gets to be about 2/3 cooked, (there’s some crispy brown bits but still raw bits,) pull the bacon to one side of the pan and add the potatoes cut side down. Yes do them one at a time, you’ll be rewarded with GBD(golden brown delicious) potatoes, man. Add onions and green beans on to the top of potatoes and leave it alone for a few minutes.

The edges of the potatoes will begin to turn brown after about 4 minutes, begin mixing the whole pan together now, add the garlic, a pinch of salt or two and a pinch of black pepper.  Cook for about three minutes all together, add the chicken stock and tomatoes, cook for four minutes and turn off.

Begin poaching the eggs, swirl the water, gently drop an egg.  Cook for about 90 seconds, then move to the side and poach a second egg with an ever gentler swirling motion.  In the morning after you’ve poached two eggs,  then poach two more {I was singing that to the tune of Sublime's Smoke Two Joints in my head. Anybody? Bueller?}.

{For detailed instructions on poaching eggs and other useful kitchen skills, check out Paleo By Season, our cookbook.}

To finish it off put a couple scoops of the hash into a bowl, topped with two poached eggs and a touch of salt and pepper per person.


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