5 Ways a Paleo Meal Delivery Service Can Improve Your Life

No matter how many "quick & easy" Paleo style recipes are out there, the fact of the matter is this:

Living the Paleo lifestyle requires you to cook. A lot.

Between all the cutting, peeling, boiling, baking, pan-frying (and so much more...all from scratch I might add), if you're not a trained chef with with lightning speed knife skills, nourishing you body can potentially feel like your entire existence is spent in the kitchen! That doesn't leave much time left over for...ummm...what do you call it? Oh ya, LIFE! And we didn't even mention the clean up part. Ugh (so much caveman pun intended with this one!).

Add to that the fact that "...your body is designed to last you 110 years...", at least according to physiotherapist Kelly Starrett. So now we have to do this all for 110 years?!

It's enough to make even Ms. Mary Sunshine throw her hands up and say "forget it!".

BUT, there is a way to have your (caveman) cake and eat it too.

How, you ask?

A Paleo Meal Delivery Service.

Now, I'm partial to Pete's Paleo because they're simply the best. I mean, Pete's a classically trained chef from Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts for crying out loud. He's basically the Jamie Oliver of the Paleo world making healthy eating affordable and sustainable!

And they're true to their word: "We plan, shop, cook and deliver." They do it all so you can do...LIFE n' stuff!

Now I could just leave it at that in hopes that you'll take my (good) word for it, but if you're anything like me, you you need to know more. So before you check out their impressive list of testimonials (featuring the likes of Mark Sisson & Sean Croxton among other Paleo/Primal greats), check out my thoughts below on:

5 Ways a Paleo Meal Delivery Service Can Improve Your Life


Remember all that chopping and baking and clean-up I mentioned above. It takes forever. Doesn't it? And even longer if you if you don't enjoy it.  Pete's Paleo unbinds you from your kitchen shackles and even does you one better. They take care of all the shopping too.

What does that mean?

  • No more calling the store ahead of time to see if their carry 100% grass-fed beef...or pasture-raised BACON!
  • No more googling weird label ingredients to double check that they are non-toxic before purchasing
  • No more meal planning...especially for work trips & vacations where health food stores are few and far between

Simply put, using a Paleo Meal Delivery Service like Pete's Paleo cuts out kitchen stress and gives you back your time so you can spend those newly regained 20+ hours doing what you love, outside of the kitchen.


I'm the kind of woman whose priorities are pretty damn straight. Meaning, I'm more likely to drop $30 on 3lbs of pasture-raised bacon than than on a new H&M tank top. My health comes first. It's as simple as that. At the same time, following a Paleo diet CAN get expensive, really quickly, if you don't know what you're doing.

But see that's the thing. Pete & Sarah Servold, owners of Pete's Paleo, really DO know what they're doing and go to great lengths to make sure that you're paying less than anywhere else. In fact, I've found that ordering from their Paleo Meal Delivery Service is always cost effective. They even have options where you're paying as little as $12.35 per serving or $7.40 per serving if you choose a vegetarian plan.

Let me put that in perspective for ya:

  • A 6oz steak dinner at Outback costs $19.99 and you KNOW it's not 100% grass-fed beef from your local ranch
  • I'm 100% sure that I've made vegan salads at the Whole Foods salad bar that cost more than that!
  • A whole, pasture-raised chicken will cost you at least double that  (if you can even get your hands on one)

Are you catching my drift? Using a Paleo Meal Delivery Service gets you the best quality food on the market for a much lower cost than buying from a health food store or eating out.

Event the age old cliche, getting "bang for your buck", can't do that kind of a deal justice!


Convenience: a word that describes a lifestyle we all wish we had. Am I right?

All jokes aside, a Paleo Meal Delivery Service is straight-up convenient, bringing you a heck of a lot closer to the definition I pointed out in the first sentence.Pre made meals delivered to your home? What more could you ask for?

So how do you order? Well, that's honestly easier than reheating your doorstep-delivered meal!

  • If you wanna chat, you can call them (888) 418-1489
  • If you prefer email, type to your heart's delight info@petespaleo.com
  • If you'd rather cut out the middleman and order directly, you can do that online on this page
  • And if you have any questions, you'll find your answers in their super comprehensive FAQ section, here

They deliver fresh. They are nationwide...other than that, I dunno what else to say other than it's easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy. Here is the video Pete made to show how to reheat your pre made paleo meal.


Whether you're an athlete, just looking to lose weight, or working through the Gut Healing process, Pete's Paleo understands your struggle.

All the meals are: gluten free, dairy free, soy free, egg free, sweetener free, nothing artificial, organically grown, non-gmo, grass-fed & pasture-raised animals and made with a whole lot of love.

  • So, if you're an athlete, you should know that they don't skimp on the proteins like places. Every meal will contain a 5-6 oz serving of protein, but you can double your protein if you’re looking for that hero portion size.
  • And if you're just looking to lose weight, you don't have to worry about over-serving yourself and overeating. Each meal is expertly portioned out so that you can stay on track.
  • If you're working through the Gut Healing process and following a sugar or candida detox, Pete's Paleo does not use any sweeteners, meaning their meals are in alignment with your detox' directions

By adhering to the strict quality and food sensitivity protocol above, this Paleo Meal Delivery Service honestly ensures that every meal is both nourishing and healing.


In my book, there are three main factors that make a meal tasty:

  • Quality ingredients
  • Lots of love
  • And, variety

Pete's Paleo's got those all covered, so PLEASE don't be like the guy I stumbled upon the other day who wrote in a blog comment "I really can't cook, so I've been eating deli turkey, cherry tomatoes and chopped cucumbers for lunch everyday since I started Paleo five months ago."

Are you kidding me?! Five months on the same lunch?! There is no need to do that to yourself! Especially with a Paleo Meal Delivery Service like this one around!

To the poor soul (and anyone who can relate) I quoted above: let's talk a little about the three bullet points above, shall we?

Pete's Paleo offers up a menu that changes on a weekly basis every season. In a three month period, you’ll only ever eat the same thing three times. This is because they only use fresh, seasonal ingredients from local farms and ranches to feed your soul and keep things exciting! Let me rephrase that for you. I'm talking about the fact that they are cooking with produce that was harvested out of the ground that very day every time they make you a meal!

That is caring. That is passion. That is love. And, that can be tasted in every meal.


"They’re [Pete’s Paleo] the holy trinity of mealtime: delicious, nutritious, AND fast. That’s second only to cold fusion in scientific circles."


Delfina is the passionate coach and educator behind health and wellness website Code to Wellness. In a nutshell, she's a kitchen experimenter and body & mind nourisher. Delfina wholeheartedly believes that your body not only wants to be well, but thrive and that the way to get there is by eating, moving and thinking optimally for YOU. She lives her message fully by helping you navigate this process so you can leave you unique stamp on the world. You can drop her a line on Facebook and get lots of #eatmovethink inspiration on Instagram. Reach out! She's super friendly and wants to hear from you!


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