Meal Delivery Has a Smaller Carbon Footprint than Grocery Shopping, Study Shows

Food that tastes good, and does good.

chef pete of pete's real food discusses food waste
Environmentally conscious? Us too!


From the beginning, Pete's has set out to make a difference in the world of food.

From where we source our ingredients to how we pay our staff, we try and do our part to make things a little better.

There is, of course, however some things that we have to make compromise on.

It turns out getting the meals directly to your door can take quite a bit of packaging.

Thankfully all of our packaging is environmentally friendly and fully recyclable, but still it's a lot.

But I have some great news! It turns out in a recent study by the University of Michigan that even with the packaging, our ready to eat meals are way better for the environment than grocery shopping!

In fact, our industry on a whole has a 33% lower carbon footprint than grocery store cooked meals.

This is due to our shorter supply chains (we buy our ingredients as close as possible to our kitchen!), efficient delivery via FedEx and the top reason is food waste.

If the carbon foot print of food waste was its own country, it would be third behind the US and China in regards to its impact.

Isn't that nuts?!

why pete's real food has a smaller carbon footprint and less food waste

The bottom line is when most folks go to the grocery store almost a third of the food never makes it into our mouths. Read that again.

However, with our perfectly portioned meals everything we make, you eat.

In fact, let me give you a little peek behind our curtain here. We hear our paleo customers that some don't favor the set menus. But one of the main purposes behind that is to lower food waste. 

By having our raw food ordering so dialed in since we have that set menu, we are able to reduce our food waste to almost nothing. And what little is leftover that our employees don't take home is donated to a local community kitchen.

In conclusion, shipping you our ready to eat meals helps to:

  • Lower greenhouse gasses
  • Reduce food waste
  • Lower shipping emissions

This is some pretty incredible news and I couldn't be more excited to share it.

Thanks for everyone's continued business and support and for doing their part to help the environment by letting us handle the cooking!


With Pete’s Real Food, there’s an option for every conscious foodie.

Think: Paleo, Keto AIP, Vegan—plus you can mix and match collections as much or as little as you want.




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