Resolution Reflection + A Giveaway

When it comes to New Year’s resolutions (and most goal setting in general), there is one fatal flaw. Typically, the goal is too lofty and unrealistic, setting you up for failure before you even begin! This is why, when it comes to those January intentions, you often end up disappointed with the resolution forgotten about or abandoned by the time February rolls around.

New Year’s resolutions can feel like a lot of pressure and you are under no obligation to make them at all. If, however, you choose to, there are a many that are easy to implement and maintain and can further support your Paleo choices and lifestyle.

To begin it is important to note that you are more likely to succeed if you only make one New Year's resolution. Change is hard work, and improving even one thing in your life is going to take effort and determination.  Unfortunately, shifting behaviors does not magically happen as soon as the calendar flip over to a new year.  You will need to further commit to being kind to yourself, and asking for help if things start to go sideways.

As the year comes to an end and the new one begins, some of your wellness considerations may include:

Make Your Health Choices Simple

Learn 1 New Healthy Recipe You LOVE

If you are wanting to cook more, pick a recipe and master it. This is something you can guarantee yourself to achieve in 1 year – you only have to find 1 recipe. It may take a little trial and error (particularly if you are new to the kitchen arena), but once you find something you love, you can incorporate it into your weekly menu. Start with some of our suggestions for breakfastlunch, and dinner.

Ditch the Foods You Hate

If you're sick of kale, we've got news for you: it's time to stop trying. Forcing yourself to eat numerous foods you really do not enjoy simply because they are supposed to be ‘healthy’ is a surefire way to ensure your diet plans backfire (and you will probably be grumpy too). There are so many foods and combinations possible on a Paleo diet. Experiment, try something new and find a few staples you really can enjoy. Let go of those foods that makes you miserable and figure out what fuels your body and your soul.

Get It Delivered

Many grocery stores now offer delivery or curb side pick-up. There are also numerous Paleo friendly grocery sources offering ethically sourced and farmed meat and produce that can be ordered online and delivered to your door. If shopping and cooking are a challenge for you, consider Pete’s Paleo meal delivery. Chef inspired, ethically and organically sourced, Paleo friendly meals are delivered to you weekly, no shopping, prepping or cooking required. You can choose your favorites and modify for any whole foods based plan you may be following. Pete’s bacon is world renowned and comes with instructions on exactly how to cook it perfectly and the bone broth is a welcome and nutritious addition to any home-cooked meal, soup or stew.


Break up with obsessive calorie counting, food shaming, and all the things that can make following a Paleo diet unhealthy. This year commit to mixing it up and finding out what works for YOU. No diet or diet tip can ever be truly universal because everyone is different. If you find yourself following something because it worked for someone else (and it is clearly not working for you), this is your chance to reassess.

Here's some more inspiration! Enter for a chance to win 5 Paleo meals for free!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Create A Fitness Routine You Want To Do

Stop Doing That 1 Workout You Hate

This is your year, this is your time. You do not have to run to lose weight or get fit, there is no need to take up cycling to be healthy (or cool). If you truly detest a certain type of exercise, then why are you doing it? If your answer has to do with feeling obligated you, are dead wrong. The same goes for all other activities. Use the new year to find something else that you do love that will have the same kind of healthy effects on your body and brain.

Enlist A Friend

Almost everyone wants to be fit and strong, but even the most determined sometimes prefer to press the snooze button, hit happy hour instead of the gym, or marathon watch their new favorite show. This is even more likely to happen if you are going it alone. Most of us are more likely to show up with someone else there to hold us accountable.  

Furthermore, it has been shown that those that post their resolutions on social media are significantly more likely to achieve them than those who keep them to themselves. This indicates that even your online community can support you in achieving your goals. While it is not necessary to share your New Year's resolution with all of your virtual friends, having a buddy, or alternate accountability plan can help you succeed.

Consider A Low Impact Workout

This is not suggesting that you stop your HIIT, pylo or other high impact activities (unless you hate them, in which case, refer back to earlier in this post). It simply suggests you supplement your high-impact routine with some low-impact strengthening exercises. Giving your body a and joints a well-earned break help extend their life and allow for many more workouts for years to come.

Lift Some Weights

Weight lifting can change your body composition dramatically. It boosts yo0ur metabolism, leaves you feeling strong and empowered, and creates lean, powerful muscle that will impact your everyday movements and life (walking up flights of stairs will feel completely different!). It may seem intimidating at first, but just start small and work your way up until you build strength.

Focus On Sleeping More (and better)

This year you may want to prioritize more and better-quality sleep. You can ensure that this begins to happen more often by creating a nightly ritual that will help ease your anxious feelings and soothe your mind and body so you can experience a sound slumber.

Adopting a clean-sleeping routine is easy to do as most of it is based on common sense. Make your bedroom your sleep sanctuary. Your bed should be used for only two things — sleep and intimacy. All other activities should be performed outside of your bed, preferably, outside of your bedroom. Furthermore, screen-time right before bed is not going to help you sail peacefully off to dreamland.

Keeping your room cool and dark and setting aside time to prepare for bed are evening routines that are simple to implement and the results will speak for themselves.

Make It Personal

Choose Gratitude Each Day

Start each day with a gratitude reflection. This is bound to inject more joy into your day and your year. What are you grateful for? What makes you happy? Focus on the good and the things you have to improve your mood, and your physical health will follow suit.

End the Negative Self-Talk

At the same time committing to no longer beating yourself up this year will make reaching your healthy goals that much more effortless. Do your best 8 to give yourself grace, kindness, and patience. Start giving yourself more compliments, and become aware of negative self-talk — choosing to put an end to that chatter.

Resolve to make this year about you. Commit to learning and growing as opposed to setting yourself up for imminent late January failure. Pick one, or a few, simple things to work on and build on those. Recommitting or starting something new does not have to happen only in January, but it can be a great time to begin a journey and shift a mindset.

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